Robot business 

Robot システムの改造・開発・設計 More »


(日本語) irMagician 発売

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 One of a solution for internet appliance as irMagician coming soon

(日本語) 外部制御に適したタブレットを見極める

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Eisu/Kana Keyboard for Windows

Coming soon !

Eisu/Kana keyboard now ready

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Web-page update

Web-page enhanced.

Begun ARM development page

Started ARM development page as well. Thanks.

SDK preparation

Now, we are trying new chip-set which is based ARM processor. Originally, this tool bases are both Windows and Linux. However, Omiya-Giken LLC prefer to use Macintosh. We also have done tuning to use the SDK as well.
Coming soon.

Thank you very much for your waiting.

ClouDic V3

Open ClouDic page.

OmiyaGiken LLC started !

 On 2012/10/10, OmiyaGiken LLC Started now. Japanese manufactures are not fine so far. OmiyaGiken LLC would like to support. We’d like to offer affordable solution against complex technology too.